Multi-day programmes

In the Donau-Auen National Park, various organizers offer multi-day stays and summer camps for school classes, families and individual guests. Common nature experiences, learning, creativity, play and group dynamic experiences are in the focus.

National Park Camp

Operated by the Donau-Auen National Park and the ÖBf, the National Park Camp is located in Eckartsau, Lower Austria on the Danube’s north banks. Camp visitors spend the night in large, weatherproofed tents in sleeping bags on top of wooden pallets. The campground features sanitary facilities and a kitchen, a large common room and a well-equipped research laboratory.
Contact: National Park Camp, e-mail:


Other camp providers

The National Park Youth House is located in the historic Lower Austrian region of Petronell-Carnuntum, on the Danube’s south banks. It is an “eco-house” equipped with solar panels, a natural pond and herb garden. It is the perfect setting to explore and learn about nature – both outdoors and indoors, as the camp also features conference rooms equipped with modern technology.
Contact: National Park Youth House (Haus der Jugend), Gabriele Krb, e-mail:

Operated by the City of Vienna Municipal Department 49 (Forestry Office and Urban Agriculture), the National Park Camp Lobau in the Lower Austrian town of Gross-Enzersdorf is where the Viennese “UmweltBildungWien” offers experiential educational and recreational programmes. The site is equipped with camping spots for tents, fire pits, outdoor swimming areas, playing fields and playgrounds, sanitary facilities, and a “green” kitchen.
Contact: National Park Camp Lobau, e-mail:


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